Roses on April 1st

Roses on April 1st

You may wonder how roses flower on 1st April when your favourite flower is just at its summer best

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This is not a joke or April fools day prank but the pictures of all these roses were taken in Madieria on that date.

In sheltered spots old fashioned roses will bloom earlier than HT or Floribunda roses. I am told that by the end of April the Cornish gardens will have roses in bloom.

Meanwhile we will have to be content with these photographs, our memories and the work still to be done on roses in our gardens.

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I was impressed by the volume of rose buds on this rose. It had a slightly rambling appearance and I regret it was not labeled.

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Training climbing roses can produce some great shapes and flowers. The balustrade for these steps will be strewn with blossom in a month or so’s time.

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