Growing Convolvulus Cneorum

Growing Convolvulus Cneorum

Madiera mch11 220

Convolvulus is synonymous with bindweed that grows in poor soil and is notably hard to eradicate. However there are some species of Convovulus that are worth a space in a Mediterranean style garden.

Convolvulus cneorum is a compact evergreen shrub with narrow, oblong, silvery leaves. The numerous flowers are funnel-shaped white flushed with pink when in bud.
Grow in well-drained soil or gritty compost in a sheltered spot in full sun.
The plants are not frost hardy.

Convolvulus White Ensign (Flash Seeds) is a dwarf Morning Glory with clusters of white, trumpet flowers with yellow centres!

Convolvulus Eneorum will withstand a north facing or east facing wall but also dislikes heavy frost. The grey leaved shrubs can grow to 3 foot high and wide.


Organic Control of Bindweed

Weedkillers for Bindweed

Book Cover

Roundup Weedkiller concentrate

Book Cover

Handy spray gun,

One thought on “Growing Convolvulus Cneorum

  1. I love these flower and try and use them when i can. brilliant blog very useful lots of info ,thanks will be back

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