Growing Regal Geranium Pelargonium

Growing Regal Geranium Pelargonium


Regal Pelargoniums or exotic Geraniums are getting more fancy and colourful. This pink frilled flower is called Reba Regal. I grow Regal pelargoniums for in house but they can go outside after the last frost although some flowers are a bit susceptible to rain damage.

Tips on Growing Regal Pelargoniums.

  • Pinch out the growing tips to get a bushy plant although most varieties are branching types.
  • Water Regals more  than standard pelargoniums and feed with potash feed as they near flowering.
  • Those with large blooms and ruffled petals need a sheltered spot such as in a porch where they won’t be spoilt by the wind or rain.
  • Take cuttings in summer for next June flowering. It is not too late to buy ‘Candy’ from Jersey Plants see sidebar or buy this back-end for early summer blooms.
  • After the first flush of flowers, deadhead and feed plants with a high-potash fertiliser to encourage more blooms.
  • When flowering is over prune plants into shape.


Mendip Lorraine is another vibrant pink Regal.

Other interesting varieties include ‘Crown Jewels’  ‘Fringed Aztec’ ‘Georgie’ ‘Grand Slam’ ‘Janet Dean’ ‘Joy’ ‘Margaret Soley’ ‘Parisienne’ and ‘Rembrandt’.

Regal pelargonium

Other links and information on Pelargoniums

Top 10 Scented leaved Pelargoniums
Pelargonium Grandiflorum and other ‘Geraniums’
Stellar Pelargonium – Bird Dancer Geranium
Photogenic Pelargonium
The Secret of Geranium (Pelargonium) Cuttings
Miniature Pelargonium
Dwarf Pelargonium aka Geranium
Tips for Growing Geraniums (Pelargonium)

Gardeners Tip

Grow Regal Pelargoniums as houseplants or they can go outside after the last frost. Flowers are more blousy than traditional Pelargoniums and provide great colour and style.
Thompson & Morgan supply seeds and plants in season.

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