Interest in Flag Iris is Flagging

Interest in Flag Iris is Flagging


Wild Flag Iris are easy to grow. The flowers are bright yellow, blue or purple. The seed heads show bright red seeds and are quite decorative.

Where to Plant

  • Wild Flag grow in most damp borders but look best near ponds or streams.
  • On the edge of a pond the roots will creep into the water and a large clump will grow.
  • Wild Flag Iris will flower in a shady area providing a splash of colour when other plants are over.

Growing Tips

  • Flag Iris grow from horizontally growing Rhizomes.
  • Buy plump roots without soft mushy parts. Cut foliage down to 3- 4″ before planting.
  • Keep new plants well watered.
  • Top dress in autumn with good compost.
  • Increase your stock by dividing the root in late summer after blooming has finished.
  • Sow fresh seed in late summer but it may take 3 years to bloom.

Varieties and Colours

  • Iris pseudacorus has yellow or golden blooms up to 4 feet tall.
  • Iris pseudacorus variegata has cream stripes in the green leaves.
  • Iris virginica is a small growing blue iris.
  • Iris versicolour rosea has lilac-pink flowers.

Flag Iris


Avoid Stinking Iris feotidissima

I know it is a Maple leaf and not an Iris but it amused me.

Iris in rows

Upgrading Iris
I renovated my Iris last September. The centre was woody and no longer producing flowers.
I cut out old material and planted new lengths of Rhizome in rows laid flat like a cigar.
I made sure they would get the sun by only half burying them and running rows East to West.
I will be interested to see what the result is like in a few weeks time.
It was a great way to increase my stock

Flag Iris

This year I must try to be a bit tidier when I reduce the flags to stop wind rock

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